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The regular meetings of the Limington Planning Board shall be public hearings and held in the Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M., current time, on the second and fourth Thursday of each calendar month. When said day falls on a holiday or Election Day, the regular meeting shall be decided by the Board at the regular meeting prior, as to the time and place. The date of any regular meeting may be changed at the previous meeting upon the vote of a majority of the Planning Board present at the meeting, provided, however, that said change in date will still provide for one (1) regular meeting in each month.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, and in case of the Chairperson's absence, disability or refusal, may be called by five (5) members of the Board. Notice of such meetings shall be served in person or left at the residence of each member of the Board at least seven (7) days before the time for holding said special meeting unless all members of the Board sign a waiver of said notice. The call for said special meeting shall set for the matters to be acted upon at said meeting, and nothing else shall be considered at such special meeting.
Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. At least a majority vote, present and voting, shall be required for
The approval or disapproval of subdivisions shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of members present and voting. All approvals or disapproval's shall take effect immediately.
Every member present when a question is put shall give his/her vote unless the Board, for special reasons, shall excuse him or her. Application to be so excused must be made before the Board is divided, or before the calling of the yeas and nays, and decided without debate. In the case of an excuse being granted, an alternate will be appointed in the following order. First alternate, second alternate. If, in the opinion of a majority of the Board, there exists a conflict of interest with a member, this member may be ordered by a majority vote of the Board to step down.
The show of hands shall be taken upon the approval or disapproval of any subdivision and at any other time a member wishes.
The Chairperson shall take the chair at the time appointed for the meeting, call the members to order, cause the roll to be called and a quorum being present may cause the Minutes of the proceeding meeting to be read and proceed to business.
The Chairperson shall preserve the decorum and order, may speak to points of order in performance to other members, and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Board by motion regularly seconded, and no other business shall be in order until the question on appeal is decided. The Chairperson shall declare all votes, but if any member doubts a vote, the Chairperson shall cause a recount of the members voting in the affirmative and in the negative without debate.
When a question is under debate the Chairperson shall receive no motion but to:
which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand arranged.
The Chairperson shall consider a motion to adjourn as always in order except on immediate repetition, and that motion, and the motion to lay on the table, or take from the table, shall be decided without debate.
When a vote is passed, it shall be in order for any member who voted in the majority, or in the negative on a tie vote, to move a reconsideration thereof at the same or the next stated meeting but not afterwards and when a motion of reconsideration is decided, that vote shall not be reconsidered.
When a member is about to speak he or she shall respectfully address the Chairperson, confine himself or herself to the question under debate, and avoid personalities.
No member speaking shall be interrupted by another, but a call to order or to correct a mistake.
When any member shall be guilty of a breach of any of the rules or orders of the Board, he or she may, on motion, be required to make satisfaction therefor and shall not be allowed to vote or speak, except by way of excuse, until he or she has done so.
Every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the Chairperson shall so direct.
Any member may require the division of a question when the sense will admit it. "For clarification a question may be divided into wording for separate debate."
A motion for referral to a committee or administrative official, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendments of the main question.
All questions relating to priority of business to be acted upon shall be decided without debate.
Any person wishing to address the Board will be given an opportunity to do so in accordance with the following procedures:
Committee appointments shall be done by vote of the Board, or if directed by the Board, by the Chairperson. Committees shall be advisory only.
Any legal advice the Board needs will be obtained by the Board's lawyer.
Workshop meetings shall be held as needed for the purpose of discussing business, which may appear on the agenda for a future regular meeting of the Board.
Robert's Rules of Order will be the Board parliamentary authority.
The Rules and By-laws of the Limington Planning Board can be amended if proposed in writing at a regular meeting and voted at a regular meeting.
The seven (7) regular Board members shall annually elect a Chairperson and ViceChairperson from it's members at the first regular meeting in March. A special meeting may be held if not all seven (7) regular Board members are present for the first regular meeting. The Board may either elect a Secretary from it's members or hire a non-Board member to serve as Secretary. The terms of all officers shall be one (1) year with eligibility for re-election.
At the annual election of officers, each new member shall receive a copy of the Planning Board Rules and By-laws.
First and second alternates shall be appointed by the Selectmen to serve in the absence of a Board member.
For legal reference, please obtain a copy of the ordinance from the town office.