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The information on this page may be obsolete and is published here ONLY for historical reference.
Please visit the Town's website for official information.
The penalty for "hazardous dumping" shall be $5,000 for the first offence plus 20 hours of community service plus 3 times the cost of cleanup. The penalty for each subsequent infraction shall be $10,000 plus 20 hours of community service plus 3 times the cost of cleanup. "Hazardous dumping" is defined as the disposal of liquids, gases, biological materials or medical supplies, which cause or have the potential to cause health risk or pollution to? air, water, or soil. Examples of hazardous dumping include but are not limited to disposal of vehicles (which contain gas, oil, antifreeze, and/or freon), air conditioners (freon) refrigerators (freon), fuel, motor oil, herbicides, pesticides, used medical equipment or supplies, spent computer equipment, dry cleaning chemicals, solvents, paints, stains, degreasers and industrial chemicals. Containers containing any of the above chemicals shall be deemed hazardous.
The penalty for "promiscuous dumping" shall be $1,000 for the first offence plus 10 hours of community service plus 3 times the cost of clean up. The penalty for each subsequent infraction shall be $2,000 plus 20 hours of community service plus 3 times the cost of cleanup. "Promiscuous dumping" is defined as the disposal of more than 5 pounds or 3 cubic feet of litter whichever is less and which is not defined as "hazardous." Examples include but are not limited to disposal of tires, wheels, vehicle parts, mattresses, furniture, sinks, toilets, stoves, animal carcasses, and construction debris.
The penalty for littering of quantities defined as less than "promiscuous" and not "hazardous" shall be $500 for the first offence and $ 1,000 plus 10, hours of community services for subsequent offences.
All conveyances including aircraft, trucks, watercraft, or other vehicles used to dump more than 1,000 pounds or 100 cubic feet of litter whichever is less shall be subject to forfeiture.
Community service shall be related to removal of litter or the restoration of an area polluted by litter. Failure to perform on town designated cleanup days within one year of conviction shall result in an additional fine of $ 1,000 per 10 hours of community service due.
All legal fees and court costs sustained by Limington or private parties in Limington if action results in a civil proceeding, shall be paid by the convicted offender.
Any individual or group who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons violating Limington's dumping ordinance shall receive a bounty equal to 1/2 of the fines collected by the Town of Limington after costs incurred.
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For legal reference, please obtain a copy of the ordinance from the town office.