Herbert Ramsdell, Kathy Maddocks and Barry Gammon were in attendance.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
This meeting was videotaped by Dave Smith.
Wayne Plummer was in to discuss continued use of Community Center for Boy Scout Troop on Tuesday evenings. Wayne will confirm the Tuesday night event.
Both Earl Maxell and Ralph Libby were in to get a Fire Dept. P.Os.
Barry Morrison was in to complain about the current management of the Moy-Mo-Da-Yo and Barry's dislike of how the job was being done by the manager. Mr. Morrison advised the Selectmen that he would be going to the District Attorney's Office the following week to get some satisfaction concerning his rights as a taxpayer. Mr. Morrison has been prohibited from the Moy-Mo-Da-Yo site by court order. This order, however, does not prohibit Mr. Morrison from using the town's public beach area which abuts the Moy-Mo-Da-Yo property.
Bill Pike was in with Rescue Dept. billings for payment and to drop off a radio battery for rescue member.
Mail was reviewed.
Weekly warrant was completed.
No further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Kathleen Maddocks
Barry Gammon
Herbert Ramsdell
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