Herbert Ramsdell, Kathy Maddocks and Barry Gammon were in attendance.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
This meeting was videotaped by Dick Jarrett.
Bruce Ballingall came in from the Youth League to briefly give a status report.
Robert Libby was in to make an appointment with the CEO.
Dick Pollard and Jack _____ (Pequawkett Lake summer residents) were in to submit and discuss a proposed article for the annual town warrant regarding use of boat excise taxes for improvements/maintenance of the Moy-Mo-Da-Yo recreation site and the abutting public beach. This proposed article will be brought before the Financial Advisory Committee for consideration.
Freeman Abbott was contacted by telephone to see how he was doing after having been assaulted while working in his office at the Town Offices. Mr. Abbott went to the hospital as a result of the assault and will follow up with his physician for further treatment and diagnosis. Worker's compensation forms were begun for this incident.
After having received the Planning Board's recommendations on the cell tower ordinance petition and the gravel pit amendments petition, this Board made its final decision not to include either one on the November 7, 2000 ballot. The Planning Board will continue to work on drafting appropriate legislation regarding both issues and at that time proposals will be submitted for consideration by the voters. Dave Smith came in to verbalize his dissatisfaction with the Board's position on this issue.
Clean-Pro successfully completed the portico repair job during the day, while the building was closed.
Mail was reviewed.
Weekly warrant was completed.
No further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Kathleen Maddocks
Barry Gammon
Herbert Ramsdell
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